Lessons for Judges 2024-2025
Mock Trial: United States vs. Susan B. Anthony
Through assigned acting roles, students reenact a United States vs. Susan B. Anthony
The Constitution: We Are All Equal
A 30-slide basic introduction to the U.S. Constitution, starting with the New World and challenges facing our founding fathers. Visitors should talk to the teacher ahead of time to determine the class's level of understanding. Note: most students in California don't receive detailed instruction like this until their last year of high school. Encourage students to seek opportunities to explore this document as they advance through school. Some day they may want to go into law, maybe even become a judge!
The First Amendment
Students' freedom of speech, symbolic speech rights in schools, free speech on social media is the subject of this lesson. This lesson contains details of several cases, the teacher may choose with the Visitor the ones most appropriate for students as they learn about First Amendment rights, and how they've been interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court.
No Animals Allowed
Our most popular lesson for elementary schools! With this PowerPoint presentation, you'll walk students through a set of "You Be the Judge" scenarios where they learn to think like a judge. You may edit this lesson as you wish, add slides of your own, or reduce the number of scenarios. There is a video on Slide 13 you may play for young learners, if there's time.
Available in Mandarin | Spanish.
Under Reconstruction: Voter Rights & the Constitution
The Reconstruction Era is filled with examples of challenges to the U.S. Constitution. This lesson reviews amendments to the U.S. Constitution, and looks at how state laws govern our elections.
Oath of Office
Administering the oath of office is an honor you AND your students will never forget. Reach out to local schools and volunteer to deliver the oath to newly elected student officers. Want to get creative? Print it out on parchment paper, roll it up as a scroll with a ribbon! Be sure to share a photo.
No Vehicles Allowed
Students will receive news of a new law in the town of Beautifica, then be led by the Volunteer through scenarios to demonstrate the work of the courts, and what it takes to think like a judge. Students with little to no knowledge of the three branches will benefit from this lesson.
The Sleepy Lagoon "Zoot Suit" Trial
The Sleepy Lagoon case was one of the major civil rights cases of the 1940's. This lesson is rich with historical and cultural references. Be careful not to spend too much time on the history building up to the "Zoot Suit Riots" of 1943. There's much the class can learn by reviewing the prep materials before you meet.
Riley v. California
This lesson ranks highest among students in Grades 9-12. This lesson provides a deep dive into something important to students--privacy. Teachers may request the lesson for younger learners if they are advanced in their understanding of the Constitution and three branches of government.
Mock Trial: Salem Witch Trials
There isn't a presentation for this lesson. Students learn about the delivery of justice in 1692 through a reenactment using the script from the trials. This mock trial helps students learn about fair and equal access and the role of a jury.
Si Se Puede! César Chávez, Dolores Huerta, and the 1st Amendment
This lesson is rich with historical references tracking the many battles fought in the fields and in the courts by two of California's most notable civic rights icons.