September 17 is designated as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day...
We celebrate all month!
We have volunteers from YOUR judicial branch interested in meeting your students this school year. They're ready for you to start this September!
Swear-in your elected class officers
Request a one-hour lesson
Elementary grades included
ESL classrooms encouraged
Non-traditional learning settings invited
California judges are ready to visit your classroom this new school year. Give us an hour, we’ll give your class a lesson for a lifetime.
Teachers, please give at least 3 weeks to locate a match for your classroom. You will be asked to talk briefly with your visitor to discuss logistics, as well as class level of understanding of the selected lesson.
*Submit your request early as court have a set number of visits they’re able to match.
We must provide young people opportunities to learn about the democratic process, be an active participant in their communities, and share their voices based on their unique experiences.
-- California Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero