How This Works:
The Association of African American California Judicial Officers launched this Challenge to AAACJO members in 2024 with a lesson for Black History Month. Since the program follows the same procedures and goals as the Power of Democracy's Judges in the Classroom program, the two are joining together for the 2nd Annual Black History Month Challenge!
IF YOU VOLUNTEER for Judges in the Classroom, you still must complete a Challenge registration form:
The Request form is the one used for Judges in the Classroom. A selection for Black History Month lesson has been added.
The Challenge will aim to engage with schools that enroll a significant number of African American students.
On the volunteer form, the offer to identify and connect with these schools is an option. Please make that choice if that support is needed. As requests come in, volunteers will be notified based on their location.
Courts with coordinators assigned to the Judges in the Classroom program will be informed of this program. Questions? Contact: judicialoutreach@jud.ca.gov or Contact@aaacjo.org
The Lesson:
The lesson under development includes an introduction to the three branches, a review of what a judge does, and a lesson on four Trailblazers celebrated in California. This aligns with the theme of Black History Month. Judges will have the flexibility to tailor the lesson to meet their teaching styles.